Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Phone Call

Oh how I would love to post that cheesy Mormon movie from the 70's known by the same moniker...

But anyway, today I received a phone call from my darling 3 year old niece.  She just wanted to tell me about her day and chat to see if I was at Grandma's house.  Sadly, I had to tell her that I was not at Grandma's house, but instead was at work.

I asked her if she slept well last night, and she said she had; then she reciprocated the question.  I told her, "no, I didn't sleep much last night."  She asked why, and I let her know it was because I was working on homework.  She asked me if I slept at my friend's house.  I wasn't quite sure how to respond to that one... I told her that my friends live with me (since I have roommates and her young mind equates those terms with one another), but that I live in my own apartment (ie, not with Grandma).

She was silent.

"Do you know what an apartment is?"  "No."

"oh.  It's just like a little house.  So I live in a really little house."

"Do you have to bend down to get inside?"

Now, as a preface to the next portion of The Phone Call, I must remind you that I got very little sleep last night.  In fact, I went to bed at 4am and got up at 7:50am.  So between 4-8, I was out.

Later in The Phone Call,  my sister gets on the line and asks, "Have you been abducted? Are you okay?"  Which is somewhat odd...  She then asks me "Why did you call me at 6:00 this morning?"

To which I reply that there is no way I called her at 6am.  She says, "Yeah, you did."  We argue.  I tell her that's impossible because I was taking advantage of precious sleep from 4-8am.  She reiterates, "Yes, you did-- you even left me a message."  "What did I say??"  "Nothing.  You were just breathing into the phone..."

So apparently I called my sister in my sleep last night.


  1. oh my word. you're nuts. and your niece is darling.

  2. i thought i commented on this?! apparently not. anyway, your niece is darling. and remind me to turn off my phone at night...

  3. I thought you did too.... Weird.
