Sunday, March 28, 2010


Today I was released from my calling as the ward Relief Society president.  The sister who has been called is simply amazing and I am excited to see her as she magnifies this calling. She will be wonderful.  I feel as though a responsibility roughly the size of a cow has been removed from where it was perched precariously on my brain.  After the aforementioned Week 10, I can only hope that this will allow me to focus on balancing my life and preparing well for my responsibilities at school.  However, the last 16 months serving in the RS presidency has taught me so very much.  I've learned about the church, my sisters, my Father in Heaven, and much about my own strengths and faults.  I have always had a soft place in my heart for RS, and it has only grown over the last year and a half.  As for now, I'm back to being the Ward Choir Director (Haha!) which I love, so that should be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Ward Choir Director???
    Do me a big favor and sing song in Japanese.
