Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day #6 of Gratitude: War, Peace, and Freedom

Today I'm super grateful for the war chapters in the book of Alma in the Book of Mormon. I know how strange that may sound to some, but I LOVE the war chapters. They remind me of how ready and prepared we need to be, constantly vigilant and preparing for the future. They teach me dedication and drive even in times of peace and comfort, and remind me that each day of freedom is a precious gift, only granted to those who are willing to rely on the Lord and show Him gratitude for their deliverance. And on the note of freedom, I want to take a moment to mention my gratitude for the freedoms we have here in the USA, and how much I love my country. Yay for voting! Yay for democracy! Yay for freedom and the sacrifices that have been made to provide us with that freedom!

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