Well, I've been absent for the last few days, so I think today gets to fill in for a lot of unspoken gratitude.
Today I'm grateful for sleep. I am always grateful for sleep, but especially so when I don't get any. Since I didn't get any two nights ago because I was in the office all night, I am super grateful for it now that I'm in the process of catching up. My students and I have been studying sleep and its purposes. At this point, I'm just glad I get it because I am one messed up zombie when I don't.
I'm also grateful for functioning inner-ear fluid. I'm running on lack of sleep so I can't remember what it's called or what it does exactly, but I know it helps you with your balance. I'm had some serious dizziness going on the last two days (probably stemming from my lack of sleep, exercise, water, food and medicine intake, and stable life situation), so I'll be glad when my inner ear is back to normal.
Another grateful shout-out? Lights. The lights went out in my office building for a night and a day, and I was working in a room without windows by the light of the computer for awhile. So I'm glad to have the lights back!!
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