Sunday, August 25, 2013


Oh how God loves us.

Warning that this blog has become something of a journal, so if you do not want to read my personal daily/weekly thoughts, this may not be for you.

 Today was hard. Mostly because I count down every day until I can go to church again and be with the saints, then when church is over, I am sad that I have another week to count down until I can go again.

Also because I feel so lost at work, like they've given me a huge task without providing me the tools and materials I need to accomplish it. So I feel like I'm drowning every day at work and every day after work as I try to plan for the next day.

But I went to an extra meeting this evening for church, about missionary work. It seems to me that the Spirit speaks Spanish. I really am starting to believe that because everything I hear said at church here seems so much truer and more fresh and spiritually potent. It's like the things I've always known, and tired somewhat of hearing in English, have become more applicable and necessary and beautiful in Spanish. Plus, being in a family ward is such a different and beautiful experience from what I have had the last few years.

After the meeting I asked to meet with the Bishop and told him all of my fears and concerns regarding my being here. He is very young, but I have no doubt that the Lord carefully chooses His bishops and grants them the strength and power to lead and protect His people.

The bishop spoke to me about some of the realities of my situation; living in Mexico amongst the other concerns I brought to his attention. Then he gave me a beautiful blessing. I am certain that the Lord granted me the gift of tongues to understand all that was said, or perhaps I didn't hear the words at all, only heard the Holy Ghost telling me what I needed to hear.

For those of you concerned for my safety, know that I have received two powerful priesthood promises for my safety while I live in Mexico. God has promised that those who would do me harm will be removed from my presence or I from theirs.

For me, I was granted the peace that I am in the right place. I am 100% certain that I am in the right ward, where I can serve and bless lives in a way I could not otherwise do. And I am in a place where I can do more good with my experience and testimony than certain other options in my life.

The Lord blessed me to know that I can accomplish what's ahead, so here I go!

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