Wednesday, August 21, 2013

So... today was our first ACTUAL earthquake

It was really just the leftovers of the big earthquake in Mexico City today. We had to evacuate twice during the same class, but I think the building we were in is the least stable because some people didn't even feel the first one to evacuate, and only the two classes in our building evacuated for the second one. It wasn't my first earthquake (Was it Sister Boyer or Sister Heiner and I that woke up screaming when our bed shoved across the room in Oakland?), but it was the first one where I was in charge of the lives of 16 children... It didn't quite occur to me what to do because it was such a small earthquake that I figured it had passed, but my lovely 7th grade students informed me of the importance of evacuation. Haha, I'm an awesome care-taker....

More about this week to come, but just a thought as I finish grading and get ready for bed-- it seems I never learn. I was trying to diagnose my students' English levels based on their interactions in my classroom on the first day or two. It never fails that I tag a shy student as being low level, then get his test and he's one of the smartest in the class. You would think I would learn.....


  1. Congratulations on the completion of your first week of teaching in Mexico!!!! I am so very proud of you! I think you did an awesome job with your earthquake victims -they're all still alive- right!.
    If you had read that book that I'm still reading, "Quiet", you would have not judged your student just because they aren't as outspoken as some of the extroverted students. I'll loan it to you again since you have so much free time! ;)
    Love my girl! You are AWESOME!!!

  2. BTW- It is going to take more than a little earthquake to rattle my girl!!!
